
Title: Unico
Release Date: 1995
Information: The manga was published in black and white by Dang Nang Publishing House (Nhà Xuất Bản Đà Nẵng) in 1995.

Title: Yuniko Chú Ngựa Một Sừng Tập 1
Translation: Unico the Unicorn Volume 1
Release Date: 2012
Price: Around 20,000₫
Information: The three volume set of Pikka Pika Comic’s version of Unico (First Grader Version) was translated and released by Kim Dong Publishing House (Nhà xuất bản Kim Đồng). These books, like the Japanese version, are fully colored.

Title: Yuniko Chú Ngựa Một Sừng Tập 2
Translation: Unico the Unicorn Volume 2
Release Date: 2012
Price: Around 20,000₫

Title: Yuniko Chú Ngựa Một Sừng Tập 3
Translation: Unico the Unicorn Volume 3
Release Date: 2012
Price: Around 20,000₫
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