Pikka Pika Comics released 36 Shougaku Ichinensei comics in three separate volumes. Each book features 12 full colored comics strips which included “北風の神様” (God of the North Wind), a chapter that was left out of previous published collections.

Title: ユニコ 1 小学一年生
Translation: Yuniko 1 Shougaku Ichinensei / Unico 1 First Grader
Publisher: Pikka Pika Comics
Published: 2004
Title: | Translation: |
1. ユニコ登場 | Unico Appears |
2. こいのぼりで大そうじ | Large Cleaning With Koinobori |
3. ペット自まん | Pet Pride |
4. 大きなオタマジャクシ | Large Tadpole |
5. ほたるになろう | Become a Firefly |
6. ラゴンがやってきた | Ragon Has Arrived |
7. ラゴンの虫歯 | Ragon’s Cavity |
8. 運動会で大あばれ | The Great Athlete Meet |
9. 雪女がやってきた | The Snow Woman Has Arrived |
10. いたずらラゴン | Naughty Ragon |
11. はなをさかそう | Let’s Bloom |
12. つゆが来た 夏が来た | The Rainy Season Has Come, Summer Has Come |

Title: ユニコ 2 小学一年生
Translation: Yuniko 2 Shougaku Ichinensei / Unico 2 First Grader
Publisher: Pikka Pika Comics
Published: 2004
Title: | Translation: |
1. しっぱいいつづき | Continue to Fail |
2. 魔法で大活やく | Great Success With Magic |
3. おばけがいっぱい | Full of Ghosts |
4. ユニコ大活やく | Unico’s Great Success |
5. アニメを作ろう | Let’s Make an Anime |
6. ケーキ食べたいな | I Want to Eat Cake |
7. はやりかぜのふうたろう | I Guess it Was a Cold |
8. 雪合せん大会 | Snowball Fight |
9. 大きくなったチョウチョウ | The Butterfly That Became Big |
10. つゆの女神様 | The Rainy Season Goddess |
11. ラゴンのへん身 | Ragon’s Transformation |
12. ラゴンの花火 | Ragon’s Fireworks |

Title: ユニコ 3 小学一年生
Translation: Yuniko 3 Shougaku Ichinensei / Unico 3 First Grader
Publisher: Pikka Pika Comics
Published: 2004
Title: | Translation: |
1. ぼう走トラック | Runaway Truck |
2. 北風の神様 | God of the North Wind |
3. 大きなお年玉 | Big New Year |
4. 魔法の雪だるま | Magic Snowmen |
5. 元はなあに | What is the original? |
6. ハイキング | Hiking |
7. なんでもつれるつりざお | Why is the Fishing Rod Tangled? |
8. チャオがやってきた | Chao Has Arrived |
9. しんげん地をさがせ | Looking for Advice |
10. さらわれたチャオ | Chao Was Kidnapped |
11. めずらしい角 | Unusual Horn |
12. 早く来すぎたサンタさん | Santa Came Too Early |
These are translations we have tried to provide and may not be 100% accurate.
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