Unico Pencils, Pens, Stamps

Sanrio My Unico Eraser

My Unico Eraser

This “My Unico” eraser was available during the first film’s release in 1981. This eraser is a light blue, and the package features Unico on one side and Chao on the other side.

There are a few other designs that were available, which you can see on unicolove’s IG.

They priced them around 50 Yen each.

Sanrio My Unico Metal Pencil Case

My Unico Metal Pencil Case
Image Source: Online / Edited by Xellis

This cute pencil case, perfect for carrying your pencils and erasers, is made of metal and showcases Chao and Unico. They released this around the time the first movie was in theaters during the early 80s.

Sanrio My Unico Pencils

My Unico Pencils
Image Source: Online Auction

These My Unico pencils were most likely part of a stationery set, but we’re not entirely sure. They were available around the time the first film was in theaters in 1981. All three have the My Unico logo and Unico and Chao on the body of the pencils.

Sanrio My Unico Pencil Sharpener

My Unico Pencil Sharpener

This small My Unico pencil sharpener features Unico and was originally released in 1983 or 1984 in Japan. Interestingly, this is one item available in the Unico School Fun Kit for The Fantastic Adventures of Unico VHS released in the US in 1984. The advertisement also shows the boy holding a green pencil sharpener which features Unico in a different pose.

The price was around 65 cents US / 100 Yen.

Sanrio’s My Unico Eraser Set

My Unico Eraser Set
Image source: eBay

This eraser set came out in 1983 or 1984, featuring five different colored erasers with a unique cover over each one. As you can see, Unico is in a different pose for each eraser. The sides feature Unico in his transformed adult form and of the toy dragon from the second film. You can see a better look at these erasers on unicolove’s page.

The original price of this item was around 95 cents USD / 120 Yen.

Sanrio My Unico Pencil

My Unico Pencil
My Unico Pencil Close Up

Available around 1983, this pencil features Unico in several poses with stars in between them. You’ll see the “My Unico” logo is near the top of the eraser. The HB next to the eraser is the hardness level of the pencil, which simply means it’s the equivalent of a #2 pencil. The term medium lets you know it’s great for writing, as it’s not very soft or hard. Other designs were available, like this My Unico ruler pencil case on unicolove’s Instagram, which came with a handful of pencils.

This pencil sold for around 35 cents.

Sanrio My Unico Multicolored Pencils

Image Source: Mercari

These pencils have multicolored lead, so you’ll find colors like blue, green, red, and orange/yellow when you write or draw. The base is a lavender color with My Unico log in multiple colors just like the lead. The top of the pencils has lavender, pink, yellow, and white colors. Unico with his wings looking back is also part of the design.

Not sure if these were sold individually or in a set of some sort, but we love the multicolored pencils.

Sanrio Unico Stamps and Stamp Pad

80s Unico Stamp
80s Unico Stamp
Image: Unico stamp

After the second film was released, stores selling stationery items had a couple of stamps and stamp pads available. We know three colors were available for the stamp pads and included three different Unico designs on the top. The stamps themselves also featured the images used on the stamp pads, so you could match the designs together if you wanted. To see the other stamps and stamp pads, please visit unicolove’s Instagram where she has them all. The stamp and red pad you see on this page was gifted to us by unicolove!

Unico Stamp Pads

The colors available were green, purple, and red. The price of the stamps was 50 cents USD / 60 Yen, and the stamp pads cost 50 cents USD / 80 Yen.

Bic Ballpoint Pen Unico

Bic Ballpoint Pen Unico

Released in 2020, this collaboration with Bic and Tezuka Productions featured five-character designs. Astro Boy, Black Jack, Princess Knight, Jungle Emperor Leo, and Unico were all available. As you can see from the image, the Unico pen is blue with a cute image of Unico. The ink is black and great for writing!

These pens are still available at Osamu Tezuka related stores for 460 Yen (or 506 Yen with tax).

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