Osamu Tezuka Collection Planter Series

In 2000, Tezuka Productions and Benelic created the Osamu Tezuka Collection Planter Series. The series had several characters, including Astro Boy, The Jungle Emperor, The Three-eyed One, Mysterious Melmo, Princess Knight, and Unico. This Unico Hanging Cover is made of polyester resin with acrylic paint. Unlike many other planters that were different pots, this Unico planter allowed you to hang it up and hold your small plant. It featured Unico, Chao, and Akuma-kun resting on a cloud covered in stars.
It’s a cute size, measuring 7 inches across, so it won’t be holding anything too large.
UPC: 4990593018338
Close ups:

Another Unico planter released the same time featured Unico resting on a basket where you would place your plant in. This planter is most likely made of the same materials as the hanging planter. feeriqueshop on Instagram has this planter and you can see better photos here and here.
The image below is Unico without the planter.

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