Title: 手塚治虫ワールドBest of Best 24時間テレビ 愛は地球を救う&ユニコ オリジナルサウンドトラック
Translation: Tezuka Osamu World Best of Best 24-hour Love Saves the Earth & Unico Original Soundtrack
Label: Bandai Music Entertainment
Released: August 21, 1999
Format: Compact Disc (CD)
This album features music from Osamu Tezuka specials created for the long running 24-hour Television Love Saves the Earth program, as well as songs from both Unico films and pilot episode.
Track List:
Title: | Translation: |
1. 地球のうた | 1. The Earth’s Song (Osamu Tezuka Story: I am Son Gokuu) 1989 |
2. バンダーブックのテーマ | 2. Bander Book Theme (One Million Years Earth Trip: Bander Book) 1978 |
3. マリン・エクスプレスのテーマ | 3. Marine Express Theme (Undersea Super Train Marine Express) 1979 |
4. ザ・マリン・エクスプレス | 4. The Marine Express (Undersea Super Train Marine Express) 1979 |
5. どこから来たのユニコ | 5. Where Did You Come From, Unico? (Unico: Black Cloud and White Feather) 1979 |
6. 大空のユニコ | 6. Unico in the Sky (Unico: Black Cloud and White Feather) 1979 |
7. そして今日も | 7. And Today Too (Unico: Black Cloud and White Feather) 1979 |
8. どんどん | 8. Dondon (Unico: Black Cloud and White Feather) 1979 |
9. 魔女猫チャオ | 9. Witch Cat Chao (Unico) 1981 |
10. ユニコのテーマ | 10. Unico’s Theme (Unico) 1981 |
11. 愛こそすべて | 11. All We Need is Love (Unico) 1981 |
12. 愛のテーマ | 12. Theme of Love (Unico in the Island of Magic) 1983 |
13. ブレーメン行進曲-1 | 13. Bremen March 1 (Bremen 4: Angels in Hell) 1981 |
14. ブレーメン行進曲-2 | 14. Bremen March 2 (Bremen 4: Angels in Hell) 1981 |
15. トリノの子守歌(1) | 15. Torino’s Lullaby (1) (Bremen 4: Angels in Hell) 1981 |
16. トリノの子守歌(2) | 16. Torino’s Lullaby (2) (Bremen 4: Angels in Hell) 1981 |
17. ブラックジャックM-01 | 17. Black Jack M-01 (One Million Years Earth Trip: Bander Book) 1978 |
18. ドラキュラM-03 | 18. Dracula M-03 (One Million Years Earth Trip: Bander Book) 1978 |
19. 愛の星 | 19. Star of Love (Fumoon/Nextworld) 1980 |

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