Publisher: Sanrio
Published: January 1, 1978, May 31, 1979, and June 1, 1979
Demographic: Shoujo
Sanrio published the first handful of chapters into a special edition collection. The following year, after the Lyrica magazine’s discontinuation, all chapters were published in two volumes, known as the Special Edition Strawberry Picture Books.

Title: 増刊リリカ 手塚治虫ユニコ特集号
Translation: Special Edition Lyrica – Unico Special Issue
Published: January 1, 1978

Title: 増刊いちごえほん ユニコ 第1集
Translation: Special Edition Strawberry Picture Book Unico Vol. 1
Published: May 31, 1979

Title: 増刊いちごえほん ユニコ 第2集
Translation: Special Edition Strawberry Picture Book Unico Vol. 2
Published: June 1, 1979
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