Color Version Elementary School Comics

This is the first collection of Shougaku Ichinensei comics published as part of the Color Version Elementary School Comics set. Only 29 chapters were published between the two books featuring comics from 1980 to 1982. The first book features the comic “えいがの中へ入りこめ” (Get Inside the Movie) which has not been published in any later publications.

Title: Unico (vol. 3)
Publisher: Shogakukan
Published: January 15, 1983


1. ユニコとうじょうUnico Appears
2. こいのぼりで大そうじLarge Cleaning With Koinobori
3. ペットじまんPet Pride
4. ラゴンがやってきたRagon Has Arrived
5. ラゴンのむしば Ragon’s Cavity
6. すばこをつくろうLet’s Build a Birdhouse
7. いたずらラゴンNaughty Ragon
8. うんどうかいで大あばれThe Great Athlete Meet
9. おばけがいっぱいLots of Ghosts
10. ユニコ、どうぶつえんへTo the Zoo, Unico
11. ゆき女がやってきたThe Snow Woman Has Arrived
12. はやりかぜのふたろうI Guess it was a Cold
13. ユニコ大かつやくUnico’s Great Success
14. えいがの中へ入りこめGet Inside the Movie

Title: Unico (vol. 4)
Publisher: Shogakukan
Published: February 14, 1983


1. しっぱいつずきContinue to Fail
2. アニメをつくろうLet’s Make an Anime
3. ラゴンのへんしんRagon’s Transformation
4. まほうで大かつやくGreat Success with Magic
5. 大きくなったチョウチョウThe Butterfly that Became Big
6. ケーキたべたいなI Want to Eat Cake
7. ふしぎなラッパMysterious Trumpet
8. ぼうそうトラックRunaway Truck
9. はなをさかそうLet’s Bloom
10. ほたるになろうBecome a Firefly
11. つゆがきたなつがきたThe Rainy Season Has Come, Summer Has Come
12. つゆの女神さまThe Rainy Season Goddess
13. ラゴンの花火Ragon’s Fireworks
14. 大きなオタマジャクシLarge Tadpole
15. 早くきすぎたサンタさんSanta Came Too Early

These are translations we have tried to provide and may not be 100% accurate.

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