New holographic stickers featuring the Tezuka Moderno designs are available in Japan.

Tezuka Moderno Holographic Stickers with Unico

Six different sticker designs are now available at stores like CAN DO in Japan. They include several Tezuka characters on each sheet with a cute and sparkly hologram design. Unico, Chao, Akuma, and Ragon are included in the designs, along with Astro Boy, Princess Knight, Jungle Emperor, Dororo, Black Jack, Phoenix, and more!

Each sheet is around 100 Yen (110 Yen with tax).

Below is the official tweet showing off the stickers.

【新商品】キラッと可愛いホログラムシールが新登場!|虫ん坊|手塚治虫 TEZUKA OSAMU OFFICIAL
【公式】手塚プロダクション・グッズ情報 (@TEZUKA_goods) / Twitter
