Ryu Magazine
November 1980 Issue 8
Pages 223
I’m very interested to see how the movie will turn out.
– Osamu Tezuka –
Sanrio made a 30-minute short film, and “Unico” is a kind of sequel to it. So it may be a little difficult to understand for those who see this film. But the Sanrio staff are all excellent people, so I left it entirely to them. I am sure it will be a good one.
I didn’t have any special requests from the staff in making this film, but Chao’s face wasn’t very good (from my drawings), so I asked animator Mr. Sugino to fix it. I am thrilled with the new face. Especially her eyes look better. That’s all I ordered.
My original work is a little too boyo-ish1, so I am worried whether it will be accepted by today’s children or not.
However, we have a strong staff including Mr. Sugino, Mr. Hirata, Mr. Maruyama, Mr. Tsugawa, and Mr. Tsuji, so I am very interested in seeing what kind of movie it will be.
1980年11月 8号
ページ 223
この映画を作るに当たって特にスタッフの方々にお願いしたとい うことはないんですが、チャオの顔があまりいい顔でなかったんで (ボクの書いたものが)、アニメーターの杉野さんに直してもらったんです。とってもいい顔になり喜んでいます。特に目が良くなったみたいです。ボクが注文したのはそれくらいです。
でも、杉野さんを始め、平田さん、丸山さん、津川さん、辻さんなどと強力なスタッフがそろって いますから、ボクとしてもどんな 映画になるか、大変興味を持って いるんですよ。
- 1. Tezuka uses the word boyo/bouyou (ボーヨー), but I’m not quite sure if it’s a slang term or foreign word. First thought of the word “boyo” as being a young boy or lad, but it could be something else entirely like an onomatopoeia. I did not translate the word and left it in for now. ↩︎