Another month has gone by and we were busy updating various things. When we took a break from translating, we went on a hunt for more information to update the pages featuring the dubs from a few countries. Which, hilariously enough, still involved plenty of translating, but that’s besides the point. It’s always been our goal to gather as much information as possible to help archive anything related to Unico. This includes not only the Japanese related items, but everything from around the world. We love seeing how fans from all countries have cherished Osamu Tezuka’s Unico characters over the years, and we’re thrilled to see it carry on to future generations.
So on that note, several of these updates are related to dubs or other translated versions of Unico. This may not interest all, but we feel it’s important to the franchise. If you’re an archivist type (like us), these updates may be interesting.
The Updates!

- We’ve had a list of names for the Slovak dub for a while, but we’re uncertain of who played which role still. After some searching, we’ve added Chao/Katy’s Slovak voice actress to her character profile. Akuma/Beezel’s Slovak voice actress was added as well. We are still searching for information on the Czech and Slovak dubs, so if you know more, please reach out to us! We’d like to preserve as much information as we can.
- We included Czech voice actors for Unico, Chao, Akuma-kun, Grandmother, West Wind, Night Wind, and Baron Ghost on their respective character pages. We had them listed on the language information page, but forgot to add them to the character pages. Oops!

- Added more Korean voice actors to the language information page. While we don’t possess any Korean Unico material, we hope the information we discovered is accurate. There were a few sites that mention Unico’s voice actor being Jeong Kyeong-ae, but we are not for certain. Does this mean there were two dubs (80s version and 2008)? We’re not sure. If we learn more, we will update information as necessary.
- Yes, like the Czech and Slovak dubs, we have added the Korean voice actors to the character pages.
- We also updated keywords, meta information, and more on all international pages. We want it to be easier for people searching for information to find these pages. Several dub or translated versions of Unico are gone in certain countries, so we hope these pages will help in any way they can.

- Updated the Shougaku Ichinensei (First Grader) magazine page with the last missing cover. We had all covers except the May 1983 issue, which features a rare Unico comic that has not been published anywhere else. But that’s not all we could capture. We not only got the cover, we got a hold of this issue and hope to share more information soon! We’re super excited.
- While we FINALLY published the Roundtable Discussion with Osamu Tezuka, Leiji Matsumoto, and Moto Hagio to the site, we’re still making edits here and there when we have time. They included this discussion in the back of the first volume of the Special Edition Lyrica–Unico Special Issue released on January 1, 1978. Although it’s unrelated to Unico, we love the information and memories shared. It’s still great for fans of Osamu Tezuka, Leiji Matsumoto, and Moto Hagio, and so we hope it’ll be fun and insightful for those who wish to read it. Matsumoto-sensei really opens up and has a couple of great stories he shares. We’ve also included footnotes in some areas to give a little more information on what they are talking about. Please let us know if you’d like to see more notes! As this is a fairly long discussion, we recommend reading it when you have plenty of time.
- As we continue to update the site, we changed the layout to make things easier to find. We want to create a clear distinction between Unico news and other content, making it more convenient for visitors to find the latest information. The home page now has an area labeled “Latest Unico News” below the menu bar, then all other posts are below it. We understand that white backgrounds on a site can be a bit too much, so there is a light and dark mode feature on the menu bar. You can toggle between the two. And last, all posts (not pages) will include an estimated reading time and show the category as well.

- We didn’t have time to scan or photograph much merchandise this month, but we added a red vinyl Boston bag in the Bag section. Hopefully, we’ll be able to add more items to the Merchandise Museum in November. We bounce around on what items we focus on, but if there’s something you’re interested in seeing more of, let us know!
- Added a few links to the Unico: Awakening page. You’ll find them in the “News” part of the page (everything is in chronological order). We try to stay on top of global releases, and a wonderful friend (you know who you are, B!) emailed us a couple of great news articles from online sources. Since Unico: Awakening will be translated and published around the world, more information is appearing internationally. We love seeing the news and are even more excited that more children (and adults!) will read Unico: Awakening in their language.

Thanks for checking out the updates! If there is anything you’d like us to research or look into, please contact us! We hope you enjoy visiting. To stay up to date on any news or updates, please check back often or follow our Facebook page! We do monthly updates on the first of each month, so definitely stop by!
You can also find me (Xellis) on Instagram and Twitter.
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