Happy Halloween!
Did you have fun during spooky month? It snowed here, and it may be too cold to trick-or-treat! Brr! Even as I type this, I have a blanket and cat on my lap keeping me warm. The cold weather makes me sleepy.
I tried to get back into the groove of adding more to the site this month. Did some rewriting here and there and a few translations. Nothing too big, but writing is a stress relief for me, especially with everything going on. The Merchandise Museum updates are lacking, and that’s mainly because of running out of time to photograph and add items. I’ll try to do better in November!
For now, please check out the updates below!

– Now that the Unico: Hunted cover has been officially revealed, I updated the publication page. I’m really enjoying the new Unico art!
– Added Unico: Despertar to the Unico: Awakening Related Publications. This is the Portuguese translation of Unico: Awakening, that was released on October 7.
– Added Único: O Despertar to the Unico: Awakening Related Publications. This is the Brazilian Portuguese translation that was announced on October 20. I’ll add more information when available.
– Revamped the Unico: Black Cloud and White Feather page. I had been needing to do this for a while with updated information. There is now more info on the production of the short, special effects used (slit-scan, animation and live action composites), the music, and more.
– Added a 1979 Fantoche article, “Unico – Past, Present, Future” to the Articles and Interview section. I have had little time to translate the past couple of months, so I wanted to at least try to do one. This article has a lot of interesting behind the scene information that helped me with rewriting the Unico Black Cloud and White Feather page. I’ve also scanned and added photos from the article because it’s always fun to see what everyone looked like in 1979.
– Been working on optimizing the website. I noticed it’s been sluggish here and there, especially on the home page, and wanted to fix the issue.

– Added an 80s Sanrio stamp of Unico to the Unico Related Pencils, Pens, Stamps page.
– Made the Gashapon / Capsule Figure section. I need to work on all the other Figure pages though, huh?

Thanks for checking out the updates! If there is anything you’d like me to research or look into, please contact me! I hope you enjoy visiting. To stay up to date on any news or updates, please check back often, join our newsletter or follow our Facebook page! I do monthly updates on the last day of the month, so definitely stop by!
You can also find me (Xellis) on Instagram and Twitter. If you’re on Facebook, I made a private group for fans to chat about Unico related stuff. You can find it below.

※ A quick reminder for those visiting this site. I’m a fan of Osamu Tezuka’s work and focus on the Unico series. I enjoy researching and sharing information, but I won’t upload any full comics, movies, soundtracks, or similar content. You will only find information and news on this site, but never hesitate to contact us if you’re looking for something specific that I may help you with.
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