Here are the My Unico Fans updates we implemented in April! We added new and updated information, as well as changes to some sections within the site. As we include more, we have to stop and redo pages for easier access. We originally thought breaking up information would be easier, but it was actually a pain to navigate, so we hope this helps in certain areas.
Since we had a lot going on last month, we took a break from working on character profiles and translating things. We’ll resume them in May.
- Added more voice actor information to all Character Profiles. While we listed voice actors in the International section under the different languages, we’ve added them to the profiles as well to make it easier to access information. We’ve also added links to voice actors if applicable.
- Also added the Baron Ghost reference from Adventure Time into the Baron’s profile.
- Added Kinejun (Kinema Junpo) blurb translation in the Articles and Interviews section.
- For the LaserDisc section, we’ve combined both Rainbow Video Disc and TOEMI LaserVision versions into one page instead of two separate. It made little sense keeping them on two different pages.
- We also combined all pages in the VHS section to be on one page. We sectioned everything, but you’ll find it easier to look at all the information in one place instead of clicking around.
- Added Contactoons 6 and Wednesday Campanella’s “Uma” album to the Soundtrack section.
- The DVD section has been added. Here you’ll find all the Japanese DVD and Blu-ray releases over the years. We included the DVDs with the shorts as well.
- Added another postcard to the Postcards section. You’ll find it at the bottom of the page. It’s from the “We Will Inherit Japan” exhibit.
- The Sticker section has been added. While we only have a few up right now, we’ll be including more soon!
- Created the Clothing page with a list of items we’ll be updating soon. So far we’ve only been able to make a page for handkerchiefs, but we’ll be uploading more when we can. So much has come out over the years that we need to organize it all.

That’s about it for updates. If there is anything you’d like us to research or look into, please contact us or leave a comment below! Right now we’re just grinding through certain areas, but always love a detour! Thank you for visiting our site and checking out the updates! To stay up to date on any news or updates, please check back often or follow our Facebook page!
You can also find me (Xellis) on Instagram and Twitter.
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