A review of BellFine's SoftB figure of Osamu Tezuka's Unico.

SoftB Unico by BellFine

Pre-ordered this figure from HobbyLink Japan back in February 2022, as it looked gorgeous from Bellfine’s website photos. If you’re a fan of Osamu Tezuka or Unico, this is definitely a wonderful figure to own.


As you can see from the photos, the design of the packaging has a bright and clean appearance. The white areas of the box are actually flowers, giving the design an elegant texture instead of plain white. Unico is visible through the open window on the front, begging you to let him out. Images of Unico’s left and right profiles are printed on the sides of the box, while the back has more information and the usual warning labels and contact information. The Tezuka Productions sticker is on the upper righthand side of the package’s front.

When you open the box, the figure is resting securely in two molded pieces of plastic and wrapped in a plastic bag. Unico’s horn is not attached, but there are instructions included on how to properly attach the horn. The horn gave me anxiety while attaching it as I was afraid of bending it, so be careful. It’s a tight fit and you must line everything up correctly while trying to insert the horn. I’m not strong, so I had to maneuver the horn in such a way while using a lot of my strength. You may have no trouble at all. Haha!

The Figure

The figure itself is quite impressive. With his horn attached, Unico stands at about 300mm (around 11.8 inches) — making it one of the largest figures of him released. Unico is light, but feels sturdy. As you can see from the photos, the colors and attention to detail bring Unico to life. He sports his pink mane, blueish body, and white tail. His green eyes are calm and friendly, capturing Unico’s classic look perfectly.

While his legs cannot move, you can turn his head and pose him where ever you choose to display Unico. Mine enjoys sitting atop my desk with several other anime figures, including a vintage Unico piggy bank I have.

Unico next to Dark Angel Olivia (Rage of Bahamut)
Vintage Unico piggy bank next to Unico figure


As a collector, this figure is a great addition to any type of collection you may have. If you’re a fan of Osamu Tezuka toys and figures, a Unico collector, or anything else — get this guy.

JANCODE: 4573347243257
Material: Soft vinyl
Scale: Non-scale
Overall Height: About 300mm (around 11.8 inches)
Prototype: Higami Nari
Coloring: Kenji Ando
Publisher: BellFine
Manufactured: China
Target Age: 15 and up
Price: 16,280 Yen (tax included)
Release Date: August 2022

Can you still purchase this figure?

As this post is being written, the figure is still available online for purchase at various online stores.

SoftB series: Unico | (English)
SoftB ユニコ – ベルファイン ( (Japanese)
Amazon | ベルファイン SoftB ユニコ 全高約300mm PVC製 塗装済み 完成品 フィギュア BF125 | フィギュア・ドール 通販 (Japanese)

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New SoftB Figure by Bellfine – My Unico Fans


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