Tezuka Osamu World x Ayanokoji have teamed up to create a new line of gamaguchi (Japanese pretty purses) featuring several of Tezuka's characters.

Tezuka Osamu World x Ayanokoji have teamed up to create a new line of gamaguchi (Japanese pretty purses) featuring several of Tezuka’s characters. Preorders will open November 19, 2021 and items will be released December 15, 2021 (Wednesday) in stores. The online store will have items for sale beginning December 16, 2021 (Thursday).

3.3 inch Purse¥1,815
Tenmizo Gamaguchi Key Case (with Gusset)¥2,640
6 inch Gamaguchi Flat Pouch¥3,300
Gamaguchi Book Case Cover 500¥3,960
Gamaguchi Shoulder Case +¥5,280
Large Round Bag with Round Pocket¥17,600

がま口の専門店 AYANOKOJI on Instagram: “手塚治虫×AYANOKOJIのコラボ商品が登場!   日本を代表するマンガ家・手塚治虫さんの大人気作品と初コラボレーション! 「鉄腕アトム」をはじめ、「ブラック・ジャック」「ジャングル大帝」「ユニコ」の有名なあのキャラクターたちが描かれたがま口アイテムが登場します✨   大きす…”
【新商品】「手塚治虫ワールド × AYANOKOJI」のコラボアイテムが登場!|虫ん坊|手塚治虫 TEZUKA OSAMU OFFICIAL


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